Some Information about Grace- Forest Hills:

  • We are a lively faith assembly striving to connect across generations. 
  • We are Christians in the Lutheran tradition [ELCA]; our faith is rooted in a belief of God as made known to us in Jesus Christ.  We recognize our heritage, while dealing with current issues, and faithfully living into a more just future.
  • We've been in Forest Hills since June 24, 1926, serving our neighborhood in various ways then and now.

  • Living out the gift of God's love for everyone one is our big deal; the foundation for all our reaching, teaching, preaching and advocacy.
  • Everyone has worth; our worship is open - we believe gathering at the Lord's Table weekly equips us to live through a week as "little Christs" for others [10:30AM on Sundays]
  • Everyone has needs and assets; sharing life and serving neighbors in partnership makes us able to approach urban living with a focus on gratitude.
  • Life is dramatic; we put a little life on stage through our community theater group [Parkside Players] and help young artists [in partnership with The Broadway Class].
  • The church is people (not a building); still, we're glad to use our facilities to host a variety of community groups.
We take the tagline "Gods Work. Our Hands." to heart!
We like to be in partnership … because connections are life-giving.

Neighborhood involvement. Improving food access. Campus Ministry & young adult support. Justice work. Disaster response. Lively worship. Wellness checkups 

We are people who worship and welcome people into community constantly (re)formed through God’s grace. Together we grow the gift of faith, together we seek to serve our neighbors near and far.

We connect with Metropolitan New York Synod, and
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America too!
Forest Hills Interfaith Clergy Statement 
We hold a value for respecting all persons and working mutually toward justice. 
We proclaim love is stronger than hatred; and believe we can learn not to teach hate. 
We are pleased to walk in friendship and grow as human beings with those who seek ways to relate in peace.
I really appreciate walking the east lawn labyrinth.
- note left (thanks neighbor!)
Our group depends on your gift of space
-The Broadway Class (parent)
Being part of the Neighborhood Thanksgiving Service is something I look forward to every year.
- Rhonda S.